Tony, Chris, and Spencer begin with the longest pre-show warm-up ever before pulling the curtain back on, um...The Man Behind The Curtain. Yep, the fellas take in the sounds of the city on the patio at Daisy Dukes and talk to Chris, Greg, and Andrew of The Man Behind The Curtain before their show. Besides being incontestable musicians, a formidable industry presence, and down right intelligent dudes they are just easy to talk to. (Which makes our job super easy.) The band tells great stories, including their titular origin (that sounds dirtier than it is), and rides with the SYB guys down all their tangential side streets. TMBTC dovetails perfectly into exactly what SYB is all about, do your shit the way you want! They're super knowledgeable, musically literate, and were great guests. All that plus, Alfred Hitchcock after Arby's. Salute!
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